| 1. | In 1975, The Government of Bangladesh established a pilot plant at Kalatali.
| 2. | He then worked on pilot plant tests for the enrichment of uranium-235.
| 3. | Its operations started at a pilot plant in Singapore in May 1962.
| 4. | In 1988, the plant was designated as pilot plant to manufacture prototypes.
| 5. | In 2010 the HIsarna pilot plant was constructed at Tata Steel IJmuiden.
| 6. | But Rethinaraj said Chidambaram confirmed the existence of the pilot plant.
| 7. | In 1989, Archer Daniels Midland built a 5, 000-ton-a-year pilot plant in Illinois.
| 8. | The immediate nuclear concern is Iran's pilot plant for uranium enrichment at Natanz.
| 9. | The design of this 100-kilowatt pilot plant is based on a modular concept.
| 10. | Between 2005-2008 was a pilot plant of the gasification process built and tested.